Come Join Us!

Harvest Connect is a ministry for people ages 26-40 where we can grow as disciples and disciple-makers, build meaningful friendships, discuss current issues from a biblical perspective, pray, and worship, etc. This is not a replacement for Sunday morning worship or small group ministry like Life Groups. Nor is this meant to be just one more thing on your to-do list. This gathering is meant to be a place where you pour into other people with the gifts God has given you and seek to learn together what it means to follow Jesus.

Whether you are single or married, a new follower of Jesus or more seasoned or not even sure yet, you are invited to participate and build an amazing network of friends on mission for God’s glory.

First time? Join the group here to join the group chat and get important updates and resources.

Harvest Connect Events

Mondays from 7-9 PM @ Harvest

Open to adults age 26-40

Recent Messages

Ike Quiring

Pastor of Small Groups